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les Expos :
- 2018 Truphémus
- 2017 Matisse
au Musée des Beaux Art de Lyon...
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Expos :
- 2018 Truphémus
- 2017 Matisse
at the Museum of Fine Art in Lyon...
Français :
Initialement programmée jusqu’au 3 janvier 2021, l’exposition n'a pu rouvrir ses portes au public. Sylvie Ramond, directeur du musée, vous invite à une visite de l’exposition qu'elle a conçue autour du thème de la baigneuse dans l’œuvre de Picasso. Au plus près du travail de l’artiste au gré d’une déambulation entre peintures, dessins, sculptures, photos et archives, elle partage avec vous ses coups de cœur au gré de la carrière et de la vie de Picasso. Des artistes du passé aux créations les plus contemporaines inspirées par le maître, la figure de Picasso et sa fascination d’homme et d’artiste pour la plage et la figure de la baigneuse prennent vie au gré de ce parcours. Bonne visite !
English :
Result the traductionInitially scheduled until January 3, 2021, the exhibition was unable to reopen its doors to the public. Sylvie Ramond, director of the museum, invites you on a tour of the exhibition she has designed around the theme of the bather in Picasso's work. As close as possible to the artist's work as she strolls through paintings, drawings, sculptures, photos and archives, she shares with you her favorites throughout Picasso's career and life. From artists of the past to the most contemporary creations inspired by the master, the figure of Picasso and his fascination as a man and artist for the beach and the figure of the bather come to life on this journey. Good visit !
>> Lien actif modifié récemment - 2020...
>> Active link recently modified - 2020 ...
Cliquez sur l'image dirige vers Album photo "ma Galerie Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon et divers tableaux" (possibilité de voir en plus gros les images sur google photos)
Click on the image leads to Photo Album "My Gallery Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon and various tables" (ability to see bigger images on google photos)
DISCOVER MORE THAN 40 TABLES FROM THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS OF LYON IN THEIR SMALLEST DETAILS! Plunge literally into the works to make surprising discoveries, aesthetic, fun! ● DISCOVER MORE THAN 40 WORKS FROM THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS OF LYON IN THEIR FINEST DETAILS! Dive into the paintings, zoom in on their tiniest details, down to the brushstrokes.ts rend hommage au peintre suite à sa disparition en 2017.
Collections - dessins francais de pierre-puvis-de-chavannes
Collections - french drawings of pierre-puvis-de-chavannes
Collections - Dessins-italiens du xv e au xix e siècle
Collections - Italian drawings from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century
Collections - Peintures Françaises du xv e au xviii e siècle
Collections - French Paintings from the 15th to the 18th century